Lê Thị Thanh Hương1, , Lê Thanh Dương1, Nguyễn Hương Ly2, Thị Hoài Mai3, Lê Phương Dung2
1 Hong Duc University
2 Sinh viên K23C Đại học Sư phạm tiếng Anh, khoa Ngoại ngữ, Trường Đại học Hồng Đức
3 Sinh viên lớp K23C Đại học Sư phạm tiếng Anh, khoa Ngoại ngữ, Trường Đại học Hồng Đức

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This study explores the advantages of the Quizizz software in designing an English vocabulary exercise system and supporting students in practicing vocabulary on this platform. The research was conducted with 72 first-year English language students at Hong Duc University in the form of an experimental study. Research data were collected from Pre-test and Post-test to compare the results of students in two groups before and after the experiment. Surveys were also conducted to investigate students’ satisfaction levels after applying this software. Direct interviews with 10 participating students further contributed to researchers' understanding of students' experiences. The research results indicate that the experimental group outperformed the control group in vocabulary learning. Students also demonstrated a more positive attitude towards learning English vocabulary through the exercise system designed on the Quizizz software. Some recommendations and suggestions are proposed to enhance the effectiveness of the Quizizz software for teaching and learning vocabulary.

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