Huu Hao Nguyen1, , Loan Nguyen Thi1, Huu Hung Pham1
1 Hong Duc University

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The main objective of this study is to seek out suitable cultivated areas for sesame crop production in Quang Xuong district. The assessment of land suitability is essential for the local famers to understand the capacity and limitations of the existing land conditions for making appropriate policies and plans of land use in the future. In this research, the simple limitation, and square root methods were applied to evaluate land  suitability levels for sesame crop. The results indicated that the most important limitation facters are organic matter (OM), soil pH, soil texture, shallow soil depth, and relative topography alone or in combinations. The findings from the suitability evaluation process showed similar suitable levels by using the simple limitation and square root methods in most of the land units. However, the use of square root method revealed to be more realistic in presenting the distinguished suitability classes in many cases because of multiplication of different land suitability ratings of each parameter and more complicated in comparing with the simple limitation method. The results from this study also recommended that both mentioned methods can be applied and repeated in different areas for other agricultural crops.

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